Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh dear! My first abort.

Who - Dorothy
Route - A mile and a half to the west and then down and up a "rails to trails" trail - all paved (lots of bicycles) and quite flat - a good way to do 16 miles.
Length - Well, I actually only did 12 or 13 miles, then had to call Jeff to come get me.
Time -Left home at 9:00.
Music -
Weather - It was much colder than I had expected, and I was not dressed for it. My hands were very cold (at the end had trouble unbuckling my pack and opening the wrapping on a cheese stick), and I felt very draggy and tired. I think my core was hoarding all the energy.
Notes - This was the hardest (emotionally) walk I've done yet. I didn't feel good from the beginning - not enough energy - and it was a real struggle to walk as far as I did. NEXT time - I wear my long underwear no matter what I think the temp is going to be.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Back blogging (but haven't stopped walking)

Who -Dorothy
Route - today, the now standard route down Broadway from 225th street to 120th street.
Length - 5.4 miles
Time -Left home at 7:00 am. Hebrew class now meets at 10am, and my walk takes 90 minutes. So I needed to be on a 7:20 train this morning. It felt a little like the old days. The 7:20 is a local; but the 7:17 express is the train I took for many years.
Music -
Weather - WICKED cold! and windy. I regretted not wearing long underwear under my jeans.
Notes - Bob, if you are reading this, I hope the computer is on your stomach and your foot is in the air! I am now in my new walking rhythm - Monday and Thursday I walk the 5.4 miles from the train station to Union; Wednesday mornings I do six hilly miles around here; and then Saturday I do my long walk. My program has me alternating a constantly increasing long (next Saturday 16 miles) with a "short" long (last Saturday 8 miles, but soon moving up to 12). I continue to feel overwhelmed with "what needs to get done", but it is all good. Love to both of you. D.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sunny Twelve with Sally

Route - Old County Road/Route 6/Lecount's Hollow/Cape Cod Rail Trail/Lecount's Hollow/Ocean View/Cahoon Hollow/Old County and home to Dow Drive...phew!
Length - 12 miles
Time -Left home at 10:20 am or so.
Weather - Lovely sunny and about 35 degrees
Notes - This was a great chance to catch up with Sally for more than 3 hours. She was a good sport to drive all the way from Sagamore to Wellfleet for a l-o-n-g workout. Luckily she is in great shape!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday 8 in Wellfleet

Route - Dow Drive to Old County (north) to Cahoon Hollow Road (east) to Ocean View Drive (south) to Lecounts Hollow Road (west) to Cape Cod Bike Trail - out 1 mile and back - to Route 6 and back to Old Country Road.
Length - 8 miles
Time -Left home at about 1:15 pm.
Weather - Started sunny and about 40 degrees, clouded up during the walk. Snowed later.
Notes - Beautiful walk, great to walk next to the ocean. This is a good walk to build on for later - the bike trail is (kind of dull but) pretty flat and goes on for miles.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Eight with Melanie

Route - Out the Minuteman Bike Path to Fraser Street in Arlington and back
Length - 8.4 miles
Time -Left home at around 10:15 am.
Music - Chatter
Weather - Clear and sunny, about 30 degrees
Notes - A very nice walk, great catch up chat with Melanie. Lovely day!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday 11

Route - Same as last Saturday, except I walked home the same way: home to Mass Ave, straight down Mass Ave to Back Bay, around Back Bay (stopped at Starbucks) and back the same way
Length - 11 miles
Time -Left home at about 10:30 am.
Music - Nope
Weather - 32 degrees when I left, 40 when I returned. Quite a cold breeze during most of the walk.
Notes - Walk went OK. It is just so great to walk outside! I stopped at Starbucks for a latte - a mistake. It was tough to get going again, plus the drink upset my tummy. But I survived, came home and had a long chat with Dorothy and an equally long hot bath. Nice!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

5 - 5 - 15 this week

Who - Dorothy
Route - Monday and Thursday: from the Marble Hill train station at 225th street in the Bronx to Union at 120th street (a little over 5 miles - a good way to walk to school). Saturday Jeff drove me north to Ossining and dropped me at the aqueduct, where I walked home. Missed the path at one point and walked about an extra mile.
Length - 5 for the walk to school, and 15.5 on the aqueduct today.
Time -Left home at 8:00 am on school days; about 8:30 am this morning .
Music - Just the great Manhattan outdoors.
Weather - Warming up, but still around freezing. Today the path was frozen when I started but warmed up enough to be muddy and slippy about half way through. I walked the last part on the street.
Notes -


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday Wednesday 6/6 Catch Up

Route - Treadmill at BSC Watertown
Length - 6 miles each day
Time -Left home at 5:30 am.
Music - Susan Tedeschi and Stevie Ray Vaughan
Weather - very dark
Notes - Nothing notable, just a bit dull. Looking forward to more walks outside this weekend and next week, when we are on VACATION!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Scenic Seven

Who - Dorothy
Route - From Hennie's house down Hyde Hill Road, across Rt. 9 and up the hills on Old Goshen Rd, back across Rt. 9, and up a little more to the top of Hyde Hill Road - where you can see the towers of UMass Amherst in the distance - probably about 12 miles away. Gorgeous!
Length - 7.2 miles
Time -Left Hennie's at about 12:30 Saturday, back a little over 2 hours later.
Music - by Mother Nature.
Weather - Sunny and cold, but not frigid.
Notes - Gorgeous wintery, snowy woods, 18th century houses, and back roads still snow-covered. The hills were challenging, but it was great. I borrowed Hennie's Yaktrax - like tire chains for your shoes. They made me completely sure-footed on the snow and ice. AMAZING.


Fan-frickin-tastic Four

Route - Dow Drive to Old County Road to Cahoon Hollow Road, east to ocean and back
Length - 4 miles
Time -Left home at about 11:30 am.
Music - The sound of melting snow trickling across the pavement, the sound of the wind in the trees, and the sound of my addidas on the street...
Weather - Lovely 49 degrees and actually sunny - gorgeous!


Saturday Six (OUTSIDE!)

Route - Bike path west to Massachusetts Ave., then southeast on Mass Ave to Newbury Street, east on Newbury Street to my hairdresser. Went through Davis Square, Porter Square, Harvard Square, MIT area, over the Charles River and through Back Bay. This mostly flat route has some great window shopping opportunities. Thank you gpedometer!
Length - 6 miles
Time -Left home at 10:45 am and walked for 90 minutes (I hit all the "walk" signs).
Music - The sounds of the city, baby!
Weather - Not entirely sure, but I believe it was in the 20s when I left and it was certainly in the 30s when I arrived. Quite breezy at times. Started off cloudy and got sunnier.
Notes - What a pleasure to walk outside, and I loved walking through all the neighborhoods! This is a walk I would do again sometime, just for entertainment and transportation.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sleepy Six (Wednesday)

Route - the usual - BSC Watertown treadmill
Length - 6 miles
Time -Left home at about 5:45 - is the time you leave the house the time you leave to srape snow off your car, or the time you actually pull away from the curb?
Music - some Van Morrisson but nothing sounded really great
Weather - cold n snowy
Notes - I haven't been sleeping well, and Wednesday morning I was just plain ole tired. Had to hang on to the treadmill to keep myself stabilized. Legs felt like lead. When I got home after work I realized I left my new sneakers at the gym...and they are gone! (boo hoo) Luckily there are more where those came from, and I intend to get some more this weekend.

A Six of Three Extremes

Who -Dorothy
Route - The street signs said Hillside, Mount Hope, Scenic, Summit, Ravine. Six miles of Extreme hills.
Length - 6 miles
Time -Left home Extremely early - at 8:00 am, working up to that leaving in the dark stuff that Betsy does. But did the walk in under 3.5 minute miles. Surprised myself. I guess the cold kept me moving.
Music - Snow-covered woods; a few birds, deer, some commuter traffic.
Weather - Extreme: the thermometer said FIVE when I left; the water froze solid in my back pack drinking tube. Nuff said. Hills and long underwear kept me warm.
Notes -I am proud of myself.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow, just go to the gym


Who - Bob
Route - didn't move an inch
Length - 8 miles maybe
Time -Left home at 11:30 rode for 45 min.
Music - Nothing special, a bit more female country. I am ready for a change of pace
Weather - It was snowing this morning and cold (32). It has cleared and warmed a little but the gym seemed like a good idea.
Notes - Rode the stationary bike on a random cardio mode for 45 minutes. Got my heart rate up above 120 (130=80%) and kept it there most of the ride. On Fri I have an appointment to work up an exercise routine for my core. We will see where that takes me.


Walking towards prison!

Who - Dorothy
Route - just south on the (relative) flat and back again.
Length - 6 miles
Time -Left home at 2:30 - took just a little over 90 minutes. The ice was melting, which makes it easier.
Music - More traffic and ice melting.
Weather - Warm!!!!! No long underwear and even no hat and gloves.
Notes - Did this walk on Monday, since Tuesday was going to have snow (and we did). The excitement is that by this time next week I should be back at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility 2 days/week. I have managed to arrange for appropriate extra supervision for myself (reprobate that I am), and I just need to go to the prison for a "re-education" session (Mao lives!) probably next Tuesday. Then I am back! I am very excited. The current chaplaincy trainees (all inmates) have voted to have me join them for the rest of the class (till May), so that's what I will be doing on Fridays. I am very touched. Now that my days are filling up (classes start this week, also) it will become much harder for me to schedule my walks. (No more leisurely 10:30 am strolls.) But when I look at what Betsy is doing I am humbled, so no complaints here. Bets, you are my model. I hope I can keep up. Love, D.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Marvellous Monday with Marvin

Route - treadmill
Length - 6 miles
Time -Left home at 6:00 am - was running about 15 minutes late!
Music - Marvellous Marvin Gaye
Weather - warm today - 30s when I left this morning - but too dark to walk outside
Notes - good walk - not too hard or long - new sneakers felt great!

Hey was that the half marathon I just passed? 14 the slow way

Who -Bob
Route - W on Old Cove to Danube the W to Barracuda turn around and go to Beach Rd. N. to 8th St. then S. to Jennettes Pier then back to Dowitcher and cross back W. to home. map
Length - 14 miles plus or minus At this point I am not quibbling about a tenth or two.
Time -Left home at 8:05 walked for 4:40
Music - A lot of alt country female, Lucinda Williams, Suzy Boggus, Mary Gauthier, Gretchen Peters and Patti Griffin w/ a few Allman Bros. cuts dropped in for hormonal balance.
Weather - A perfect day for a walk. Started in the 40's with blue skies and no wind. As the day progress a few clouds drifted in, the wind picked up to about 10 from the SW and the temps were in the mid 50's when I stopped.
Notes - Looking at the weather this was the day to do this if I was going to do it any time soon. Good walk physically but it took a lot of mental effort to stay on course. Just not much fun walking alone for almost 5 hours. A little chafed but that will heal in a day or so otherwise no ill effects for my longest walk ever. This beats my Half Marathon by 0/10ths. The time was not what I wanted (maybe 4:10) but I completed the full walk and I feel good.

Seeing mom on the website then talking to Maggie and Bernstein got me a little emotional today for the first time in a long time. We are doing a good thing.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back Home for Four on the Beach

Who - Bob
Route - I went over to the Beach Rd. then crossed over to the beach at Enterprise St. and walked S. to Forest St I returned to Small St. (north of Enterprise) and crossed back home
Length - 4 miles
Time -Left home at 2:00. Walked for 1:20
Music - Started with the new Taylor Swift release "Fearless". I had heard it once and was not impressed. I liked it better the second time. Its filled with anthems of teen angst but they are very real anthems written in the first person. All the arrangements, tempos etc sound alike to me but thats OK
Weather - Little bit of SW wind but not to bad, 50's and scattered clouds.
Notes - We got home from Norfolk around 1. I had intended to walk the path but the beach looked so inviting I decided to try it. Tide was out and the sand was fairly firm. Nice walk.


Warm Four

Who - Dorothy
Route - double loop to the top of Dobbs Ferry - hills, but not the steepest or the most.
Length - 4 miles
Time -Left home at 1:20pm.
Music - the dripping and trickling of ice melting.
Weather - Sunny, bright, breezy, and WARM - in the low 40's! No long underwear, no hat, no mittens! A really beautiful day.
Notes - Still trying to figure out the heart monitor. Got a couple of readings over 200 - so I don't think I have it right yet.
